Florida Toy And Advertising Show

Florida Antique Toy and Advertising Show





Please reserve the following for the 2024 Florida Antique and Vintage Toy and Advertising Show and Sale.

Tables are 8 foot long by 30 inches wide. The venue is secured by a private security company.

I will require 8 x 10 booths (Includes 2 tables per booth) @ $200, or

I will require tables at $90.00 each

*** Set-up time: Vendors may set-up on Thursday, February 8th from 5—9pm. Set-up may continue on Friday at 6 am before the Early Buyer time frame.
Event hours: Friday 10 am—4 pm Saturday 9 am—3 pm
Early buyers Friday 7 am - 10 am.

Please complete and return with payment* as soon as possible to get your preferred space.

  Name :




City, State Zip:

Specific Booth or Table # Request:

(See the Table Layout section of the website for availability.)

*Payment can be made online or by checks made payable to the Florida Toy and Advertising Show, LLC

Online: When you click "Send Your Registration" below, there will be a link to make payment.

By Check: Mail to 13600 Sand Bluff Lane, Grand Island Florida 32735

Contact Tom @ 412-403-4924 for more information.

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